House and apartment renovation from a single source

Construction support and turnkey coordination of partner companies. We are a company based in Ingolstadt that not only specializes in complete renovation, but also takes care of your renovation of an apartment in Ingolstadt and the surrounding area.

Inquire now without obligation!
  • Preiskalkulation für Fliesenarbeiten im Bad

    Preiskalkulation für Fliesenarbeiten im Bad

    In der Welt der Fliesenarbeiten ist es gängig, dass der Fliesenleger die Materialien besorgt und dem Kunden in Rechnung stellt. Oft profitiert der Handwerker dabei von besseren Preisen im Vergleich...

    Preiskalkulation für Fliesenarbeiten im Bad

    In der Welt der Fliesenarbeiten ist es gängig, dass der Fliesenleger die Materialien besorgt und dem Kunden in Rechnung stellt. Oft profitiert der Handwerker dabei von besseren Preisen im Vergleich...

  • Alten Boden sanieren - Estrich reparieren

    Alten Boden sanieren - Estrich reparieren

    Bitte melden Sie sich, wenn Sie Fragen zu unseren Produkten und deren Verwendung haben. Unser Anwendungstechniker von Murexin beantwortet Ihre Fragen direkt.

    Alten Boden sanieren - Estrich reparieren

    Bitte melden Sie sich, wenn Sie Fragen zu unseren Produkten und deren Verwendung haben. Unser Anwendungstechniker von Murexin beantwortet Ihre Fragen direkt.

  • Abriebgruppen von Fliesen geklärt

    Abrasion groups of tiles clarified

    Abrasion groups are a classification of tiles that relates to their resistance to abrasion. Abrasion resistance refers to a tile's ability to hold up against scratches and abrasions that can...

    Abrasion groups of tiles clarified

    Abrasion groups are a classification of tiles that relates to their resistance to abrasion. Abrasion resistance refers to a tile's ability to hold up against scratches and abrasions that can...

  • Rektifizierte oder unrektifizierte Fliesen-Kanten

    Rectified or unrerectified tile edges

    When installing tiles, it is important to note whether the edges are rectified or unrerected. In this article, we'll look at the differences between rectified and unrerected edges in tiles...

    Rectified or unrerectified tile edges

    When installing tiles, it is important to note whether the edges are rectified or unrerected. In this article, we'll look at the differences between rectified and unrerected edges in tiles...

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Barrier-free construction

We are committed to providing more care at home for seniors and people in need of care and help you design a barrier-free living space. We offer support to those in need of outpatient care or residential groups with barrier-free conversion. Our services include:

  • Barrier-free bathroom

    We plan and convert your barrier-free bathroom with a fixed price guarantee. If you have a level of care, you can try to apply for a subsidy from your long-term care insurance company.

  • Access ramp

    Nursing insurance pays up to 4,000 euros per year for barrier-free renovation work for all five care levels. A ramp for wheelchairs is eligible.