Abriebgruppen von Fliesen geklärt

Abrasion groups of tiles clarified

Abrasion groups are a classification of tiles that relates to their resistance to abrasion. Abrasion resistance refers to a tile's ability to hold up against scratches and abrasions that can occur from daily use or traffic.

The abrasion groups are determined by a rating of 1 to 5 , where 1 represents the lowest abrasion resistance and 5 represents the highest abrasion resistance. These ratings are based on an international standard called the PEI (Porcelain Enamel Institute) abrasion test.

Here are the different abrasion groups and their typical applications:

  • Abrasion Group 1: These tiles have the lowest abrasion resistance and are best suited for walls and areas that don't receive a lot of traffic, such as bathroom walls.

  • Abrasion Group 2: These tiles have slightly higher abrasion resistance than Group 1 and are suitable for low traffic areas such as bathroom floors, bedrooms or kitchens without direct access to the outdoors.

  • Abrasion Group 3: These tiles have medium abrasion resistance and are suitable for areas with moderate traffic such as kitchens, hallways or living areas.

  • Abrasion group 4: These tiles have high abrasion resistance and are suitable for heavily trafficked areas such as entrance areas, public buildings or shopping centers.

  • Abrasion Group 5: These tiles have the highest abrasion resistance and are suitable for extremely high traffic areas such as airports, train stations or shopping centers.

It is important to note that choosing the right abrasion group depends on many factors, including traffic volume, type of use and environment. Therefore, before choosing tiles, you should carefully consider your requirements and needs and, if necessary, consult a professional.

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